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Billboard Display

It was a magical moment to see the adventure light up Times Square!

Will's Adventure to the Candy Mountain

Will races to the train where he meets a boy, Quinn, and the journey begins.

About dr. haller

Dr. Gerry Haller, Author

Author Dr. Gerry Haller is an accomplished educator having received many awards in the teaching, curriculum, and administrative fields. Some of these awards include being recognized for The Golden Apple, The Carnegie Foundation for her teaching in the Inner City of Chicago, and receiving the Phi Delta Kappa Award for being outstanding Principal of the Year. Dr. Haller received Primary, Gifted and Art Degrees form Bradley University, Master’s in Administration from Augustana, and Doctor of Education from Nova Southeastern University. She is a gifted public speaker and has presented at conferences from London to the U.S. Throughout her career, she has taught principals, teachers, and children. Dr. Haller is also a proud mother and grandmother.

YM Cho, Illustrator

YM Cho is an award-winning artist and designer. She earned a BFA degree from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, where she studied visual communications and fashion illustration. YM has been named the winner of several art and design competitions, including the 2017 Leavenworth Oktoberfest Logo Design, 2017 Navy Air Force Half Marathon shirt design, 2019 Seward Silver Salmon Derby Logo Design, and the 93rd Running Mount Marathon Logo Design.


Foreword Reviews

Follows a young boy as he embarks on a magical journey to Candy Ville. During his travels, he discovers how being a good and respectful person can really pay off.

Emily-Jane Hills Orford, Readers’ Favorite

The message is clear: life is full of sweet offerings, but friendship and kindness are more important than sweet treats. One has to always be courteous. Beautifully told and presented.

BookLife Review

Gerry Haller’s gentle tale is inspired by stories she told to her grandson…Adults will appreciate that the book celebrates and rewards good behavior. This relaxing journey through a land of treats is a pleasant low-key bedtime story for young children.

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